Singing Guide: Ryan Adams

Singing Guide: Ryan Adams

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Learn Singing Like Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams is a well-known American singer-songwriter with a distinctive indie-folk sound. Ryan’s unique brand of singing emphasizes his distinct vocal register, which changes according to the range of his voice. In order to learn singing like him, we need to break down his vocal techniques, his experience with songwriting, and his emotional delivery.

Vocal Techniques of Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams has built up his flawless vocal style over many years of performing in venues across the world. His unique style prioritizes his emotive delivery over hitting every note correctly. Here are some of his techniques:

  • Breathing: Our breathing is essential for setting the right tone when singing. Ryan Adams relies on proper breath techniques found in Singing Carrots’ ‘Breath support’ article, which emphasizes the use of our diaphragm muscles to keep our breath support going. This ensures our vocals are consistently audible, with proper phrasing, and with greater clarity.
  • Vocal Registers: Ryan Adams often sings in a "mixed voice." We recommend learning about this technique in the Singing Carrots’ "Voice Registers & Vocal Break" article. Essentially, our mixed voice is an intentional mix of both our chest and head voices, and allows for greater range and flexibility in what we sing.
  • Lack of vibrato: Ryan Adams' vocal style focuses more on traditional folk singing, which typically does not incorporate vibrato. If you wish to learn more about how to sing without vibrato, check out Singing Carrots’ "Singing Without Vibrato" article.

Songs to Practice Ryan Adams' Style

Ryan Adams' music is rich with emotion and sincere delivery, which can be tackled by an aspiring singer who wishes to master the vocal techniques used by Ryan.

  • To Be Young: This iconic song showcases Ryan’s distinct vocal style and powerful songwriting skills, in particular his use of chord structures and build up of a catchy chorus. Try to understand the lyrics and focus on improvising on your mixed voice while singing along.
  • Come Pick Me Up: This is one of Ryan’s most famous songs, a soulful ballad that exemplifies the importance of vocal dynamic in performance. Ryan uses his mixed voice to create a more open and vulnerable delivery, with greater emphasis on his emotional interpretation of the song.
  • My Winding Wheel: This song showcases Ryan’s unique vocal range, in particular his ability to shift registers seamlessly to match the varying notes. Pay attention to how Ryan uses his emotional delivery to convey the message of the song, rather than just technical proficiency.

Practical Advice on Singing like Ryan Adams

To learn singing like Ryan Adams, you need to embrace some fundamental skills in addition to his vocal techniques and iconic songs.

  • Audience Engagement: Singing not only involves your voice, but your body language and emotional delivery as well. Learn more about audience engagement in Singing Carrots’ “Tips for Performing on Stage” article.
  • Songwriting: Ryan Adams' creative process and songwriting can inspire you to give your original music more personal perspective. Learn more about songwriting in Singing Carrots’ “How to Learn a Song Effectively” article.

Finally, Singing Carrots provides tools and programs that can help you with your singing journey, such as the Vocal Range Test and the Pitch Accuracy Test, among other resources.

With dedication to training, improving your vocal techniques, and some creativity with giving your personal flare to your singing, you'll be singing like Ryan Adams in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.